(lat. Cantharellus cibarius)


Packaging: Barrels of 45 or 150 kg net of goods 

Sorting: per request 


About chantarelles

Chanterelle mushrooms are among the most popular of wild edible mushrooms. They are orange, yellow or white, meaty and funnel-shaped.

Chanterelle mushrooms are well-loved for their slightly fruity flavour and can be found in small groups in woodland. 

Moreover, eating chantarelles can be of health benefits, as it is, among others, rich on vitamin D. 



Most of our Chanterelles are purchased directly from pickers, who collect them deep in the forests of Serbia far away from the pollution of cities and industrial areas. 

Although it can happen that they grow throughout the year, the peak of the season for chantarelles is in Mai and June. 


Processing and packaging 

After marination we grade the cleaned goods according to their size. 

Possible grades: 

    • to 1,5 cm
    • from 1,5 to 3 cm
    • from 3 to 5 cm
    • from 5 cm upwards
    • industrial quality

Next, everything is packed into barrels of 45 or 150 kg net of goods and it is checked regularly.